Dawn Vallejos-Nichols Invited to Serve on Florida’s Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC)
Dawn M. Vallejos-Nichols, an attorney with Avera & Smith, has been invited by Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio to serve on the Northern Conference of Florida’s Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) for a two-year term. The JNC reviews the applications and recommends the most qualified candidates to serve as U.S. District Court Judges, U.S. Attorneys, and U.S. Marshals in Florida. Its recommendations decide, subject to the agreement of Senators Nelson and Rubio, which nominees are forwarded to the White House for the President’s consideration.
Ms. Vallejos-Nichols graduated from the University of Florida College of Law in 1994 and has been employed by Avera & Smith since 1996. She practices in the area of personal injury and wrongful death, specializing in Engle progeny tobacco litigation. She is also currently the President of the Eighth Judicial Circuit Bar Association.