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Most Common Causes of Distracted Driving Car Accidents in Gainesville FL

Most Common Causes of Distracted Driving Car Accidents in Gainesville FL

Many of the car accidents that happen right here in Gainesville, FL are a result of distracted driving rather than driving under the influence. These accidents are emblematic of a nationwide issue, as approximately 391,000 people were injured in car accidents involving distracted drivers in 2015. As car accident attorneys, we see an extraordinary amount of our personal injury cases that involve a distracted driver.

Part of the reason distracted driving is such a common problem is drivers often don’t realize they’re doing it. These easily preventable causes often lead to unnecessary lawsuits that could have been avoided by staying focused on the road.

Zoning Out

You probably expected to see texting and driving as the number one issue in this post– don’t worry, we’re getting there. But most distracted driving incidents, even car accidents in Gainesville, FL where text-happy college students are everywhere, are a result of a wandering, unfocused mind. We often go on auto-pilot on long drives or familiar commutes. This reduces our reaction time as we go through our driving routines in a semi-zombified state. To help combat this, you may want to listen to an audiobook to keep your mind active, focused, and prevent it from going into daydream mode.

Using Your Phone

Here it is. The big one. You’ve seen the PSAs. You’ve seen the billboards– or maybe you missed them because you were sending a text. The National Safety Council estimates that 1.6 million car accidents that occur every year are a result of phone use. The solution to this problem is simple: put down the phone. Texts can wait. Music can wait. Directions can wait– and if they can’t, just pull over. Dash mounts may help the problem, but they don’t eliminate it. Of course, even if you know the dangers of driving while using a cell phone, that doesn’t mean everyone driving around you got the memo. Legislation and awareness campaigns can work in tandem to eradicate texting and driving from our roads.

Actual Distractions

Other car accidents. Squirrels running across the road. The guy in the car next to you picking his nose. Wacky inflatable tube men waving their arms outside of car dealerships. It’s not surprising that a leading cause of distracted driving car accidents are actual distractions– things that take your eye off the road. It’s important to stay focused and ignore these things. Of course, there’s not much you can do if a deer runs out on the road. However, you can avoid a common phenomenon known as “rubbernecking,” or looking at an accident as you’re driving past it. Curiosity is a natural human impulse, but it must be controlled in order to drive safely.


Even something as innocuous as a car pool conversation can take your focus off the road. Parents have it especially bad, as they often have to manage toddlers in the back seat while trying to drive. Arguments can also lead to irritated driving habits that result in bad decisions. As awkward as it can be, sometimes the safest car ride is a silent one. You can always turn on the radio to fill the void.

Eating and Drinking

We’ve all been there. It’s early in the morning, and as you go to take that first sip of your morning latte, the car in front of you slams on the brakes and you end up with steaming hot coffee all over your pants. Now you’re trying to clean yourself up, deal with the pain, and drive all at the same time. Try buying a dedicated, sealed coffee thermos to avoid these incidents, or wait to drink at red lights. If you have a long trip ahead of you and you need to eat on the road, stick to sandwiches that aren’t messy and stay away from anything that requires two hands to eat.

Getting Ready

There’s a reason passenger sun visors often have lighted mirrors and the driver side doesn’t. The road is not the place for the hair and makeup department. Touch-ups at red lights are one thing, applying mascara on the highway is another. The societal pressures for women to wear makeup are unfortunate, but even a thousand inquiries of “are you sick?” aren’t worth risking your life over.

If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Gainesville, FL that you believe is a result of distracted driving, contact Avera & Smith. We’re a team of experienced, trial-ready car accident attorneys that deal specifically with personal injury cases. We stand up for you and your family and we won’t rest until you get the settlement you deserve. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have.

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