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Bitten by a Friend’s Dog? Here’s What to Do

Bitten by a Friend’s Dog? Here’s What to Do

Dogs. We love them, and they love us. They’re cuddly, happy, and give their owners unconditional love. But sometimes we come across a dog that is aggressive, and this aggression can often lead to dog bites or attacks.

If you’ve been bitten or attacked by a friend’s dog, it’s important to know what to do. Speaking with a local animal attack lawyer in Gainesville, Florida, is advised since laws can vary throughout Florida’s cities and counties. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal system surrounding animal bites and attacks. An animal attack lawyer (also known as a dog bite lawyer) can also advise if you have a personal injury case and the right to seek compensation for your injuries. Read on to find out what to do if this ever happens to you. And if it has happened to you, contact our team at Avera & Smith. Our experts are experienced in dealing with animal bites and attacks, and our local Gainesville lawyers can help guide your case. 

Types of Dogs

Any dog can be dangerous under the right circumstances. The owner of any dog, big or small, should be aware of the Florida Statute (specifically F.S. 767.04) that pertains to dog bites. It states that the owner of any dog that bites a person is liable for damages suffered by the person who was bitten, whether they were bitten in a public or private setting (as long as the person attacked was rightfully in the private location – this does not apply to unlawful intruders). In many cases, a dog owner that displays a sign that reads “Bad Dog” in a prominent location on his property can avoid this liability, unless he himself has acted in a negligent manner or the victim is a child under the age of 6. 

Bitten or Attacked?

If you are bitten or attacked by a dog of any size, there are several things you should do.

Take Photos

If you are not seriously injured, the first thing you should do is take photos of the location where the attack occurred (inside, outside, at a house, in public, etc.). Additionally, take photos of the dog that attacked or bit you, and take photos of your injury.

Gather Witness Information

Gather the names and contact information of anyone who witnessed the attack. This may be of use later should you need anyone to give a report about the incident.

Seek Medical Help

Get a medical evaluation as soon as possible, even if you think your injury may not be serious. Doctors are trained to look for a variety of things, including physical and mental injury or stress. A doctor’s report may also be needed in the event you have a personal injury case.

Contact Animal Control

After you seek care for your injury and take photos, contact the local animal control unit. They have the authority to conduct an investigation and classify the dog as dangerous, among other things.

Seek Advice from a Lawyer

Most importantly, after the attack or bite do not admit fault or speak with the dog owner’s insurance company. Contact a lawyer before speaking to anyone. They can help you determine if you have a case as well as determine fault. An animal attack lawyer can also help guide you through any pursuit of financial compensation for your injury.

If you’ve been attacked or bitten by a dog, contact our team of local animal attack lawyers in Gainesville at Avera & Smith. We’re here for you.

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